Thursday, February 18, 2010

And the Petabulous award goes to…

Hey Pet Society fans! Welcome to a new week in Pet Society, which means new items filling the stores! Sign on to Pet Society via Facebook now to try and recreate your favourite movie moments! Remember that any items labelled This Week’s Special (TWS) will be in store until midnight GMT on Monday the 22nd of February, 2010, but may be available again at some point in the future.

2010 is the Year of the Tiger. There are as few as 3200 tigers left in the wild and they need our help to survive! Therefore tigers form our latest collection to help support WWF. To read more about this, see this blog post.

WWF Tiger Cub Plushie WWF Tiger Poster WWF Adult Tiger Plushie
WWF Tiger Costume Hat WWF Tiger Costume Top WWF Tiger Costume Pants
Petling Tiger

Hollywood is in the midst of the awards season, so what better way to celebrate than to pick up some scenes and props for your very own movie set in the various stores across Pet Society!

City Street Wallpaper (D.I.Y.)
City Door (D.I.Y.) Park Bench (Garden)
City Street Floor (D.I.Y.)
Cloudy Sky (D.I.Y.)
Black Bar Counter (Luxury) (TWS) White Bar Stool (Luxury) Red Bar Counter (Luxury)
Futuristic Motorbike (Gadget) Cute Ghost Toy (Furniture) (TWS)
Strawberry Pancake Stack (Food) Pancake Pan (Furniture) (TWS) Vintage Camera (Gadget)
Red Bicycle (Furniture) Wrapped Newspapers (Furniture) Pink Bicycle (Furniture) (TWS)

Dress the part with world class costumes for a variety of top roles now available in the Clothes Store! The Pet Society Fashion Team have (well Lily has) been working night and day to have these ready for day one of filming.

Dark Shades Green Feathered Cap Wooden Bow and Arrow
Kung-fu Shirt (TWS) Kung-fu Pants (TWS) Kung-fu Shoes (TWS)
Chic Black Hat Chic Black Dress Chic Black Glove
Camouflage Beret Camouflage Shirt Camouflage Pants
Black Leather Boots Doctors Coat
Stylish Male Wig Bunches Wig (PF-Cash)

From the city streets to the stars, movies have it all! Set your pet up for a space bound adventure with Alien Spaceships flying around your room and futuristic space gear!

Green Alien Spaceship (Furniture) Pink Alien Spaceship (Furniture) (TWS)
Jupiter Wall Sticker (Furniture) (TWS) Saturn Wall Sticker (Furniture)
Spaceship Control Panel (Luxury)
Spaceman Helmet (Clothes) (TWS) Spaceman Shirt (Clothes) (TWS) Spaceman Pants (Clothes) (TWS)
Spaceman Shoes (Clothes) (TWS) Alien Jelly (Food) Alienfish (Pond)

Back at sea level, the movies would have you understand that pirates rule the waves! So toughen up, join the crew and find the treasure!

Colourful Parrot Plushie (Furniture) Buried Treasure (Furniture) Luxurious Pirate Hat (Clothes) (TWS)
Island Cave (Garden) Pirate Cannon (Furniture) (TWS)
Pirate Lantern (Gadget) Pirate Punch (Food) (TWS) Porthole Window (D.I.Y.)

If all the fame and bright studio lights just has you wanting to hide away, Terrence has the answer in the Cash Shop with the amazing new Tree House. The Tree House has a cosy little room inside to enjoy (there is only one room no matter how many Tree Houses you own)!

Tree House

Finally there’s some brand new treats in the Food Store, Petling Tigers are especially fond of these!

Lamb Shank Chicken Drumstick

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