Thursday, February 18, 2010

Out of this world!

Hey Pet Society fans! Roses are being sent around the village at a rapid pace, hearts are everywhere, it can only mean one thing, Valentine’s is near!

Unfortunately, this didn’t mean that “?” was feeling particularly nice when Sirius went to visit him earlier; that or the fact that she was a chocolate pet due to drinking one of his potions a couple of days earlier meant that he didn’t really recognise her and hence didn’t want to give too much away!

When she tried to ask him what he was adding to the mystery boxes this week, he just started muttering some strange words over and over again. Can you work out what he means?

  • Top defence! (Blue Mystery Box)
  • Out of this world! (Golden Mystery Box)
  • Sky high! (Golden Mystery Box)

These mysterious items are now available in mystery boxes, so sign on to Pet Society via Facebook and visit “?” to see if you can find them! We will update this in a few days with images of the mysterious items!

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